Questionnaire For Companies

Startup Stage

What are the current coding skills and experience levels of your employees?(Select all that apply)

Do you have any dedicated in house developers/programmers?

Training and Hiring Needs:

Do you currently offer any coding training or development opportunities for your employees?

If yes, what types of coding training do you offer?(Select all that apply)

In addition to training, are you interested in potentially hiring individuals with coding skills through our training program?

If yes, what types of skills and experience are you looking for in potential hires (Select all that apply )

What advantage could support your willingness for remote hires? (Select all that apply)

Would you consider hiring individuals with coding skills remotely, specifically from Yemen?

If yes, what are your biggest concerns or considerations regarding remote hiring from Yemen? (Select all that apply)

Would You Be Willing To Participate In A Hosting Trainees For Remote Internship Or On-Job Training?

If No, Are There Any Specific Conditions Under Which You Might Consider Remote Hiring Yemen?(PLease specify)

Additional Information:

Is There Anything Else You Would Like To Share About Your Coding Training Needs Or Preferences?